Efrat Avneri

Application Project Manager

the question is, what are we busy about?

Efrat Avneri
| Application Project Manager
the question is, what are we busy about?

• Leadership

• Inner peace

• Emotional intelligence

• Order and organization


• Punctuality and thoroughness brings the team to success

• Time management helps to concentrate on the important tasks and improve my day

• Assertiveness improves teamwork and my fucus of important decisions

• Consideration create our workplace a better place

What motivates me?

When I see the whole picture. When I see the overall requests according to the team and their capability, then I can prepare the best plan for others

My Career story

Since I remember, I always loved tasks.

I loved when I had lists of tasks to do and to trace their doing, I always had future lists in my pocket, I believe each project should have a life story cycle.

I am a great believer in order and boundaries. I also believe that it is good to have boundaries to have the ability to break them.

Work Experience

2019 – Today
KPMG Israel; Application and Integration Unit Manager

Position: Leading the development Department Applications and integration.

• Managing the Development Department; processes, priorities, and versions roadmap.

• Leading the operational team (10 employees) to deploy work plans and Integration efforts to get approval for a new product while keeping tight schedule

• Monthly Steering Committee meetings to manage overall priorities and present progress to senior management

2018 - 2019
2019 Clalit Health Services – New Billing System

Position: Interfaces Project Manager.

Heading the integration process for the new Billing system (together with SAP platform).

• Working with multiple channels, all external services that interface the operation and combine their tasks to the main processes to ensure delivery according to the plan.

• Monitoring and presenting potential risks to the relevant stakeholders.

• Member of the senior steering committee and reports to top management on Project execution.

• Ensure organizational readiness for Release/Delivery

2017 (July) – 2017 (Dec)
Raz Pharmaceutics; Export and import of Pharmaceutics

Position: Project Manager (Consultant / Full Time)

• Define and oversee export processes as part of new markets penetration plan (US, Japan and Spain) together with the marketing team

• Create reporting framework needs to monitor supply and inventory changes

• Design and implement procedures and protocols to optimize cross department activity and internal alignment.

2010 – 2016 (Dec)
WEST Corporation (NASDAQ: WSTT)

West is dedicated to deliver and improve new channels for how businesses and consumers collaborate, connect and transact.

Position: R&D Program Manager Officer (PMO).

• End-to-End project management from the design stage to the Go-live. (Mobile projects, Client-server projects).

• Managing the roadmap plan as well as integration between all departments and company’s customers to meet all milestones on time and on budget

• Coordinating tasks and delivery timelines among all relevant teams; Product, development team leaders, QA, and IT teams. The development methodology was changed from Waterfall model to AGILE and projects were adjusted accordingly

• Plan and schedule project timelines and track the projects deliveries using appropriate tools; Jira, Ms-Projects, Excel

• Working closely with senior management to make sure that the scope and direction of each project is on schedule and on track

• Monitoring the priorities of project and escalate to management as needed to address Risk management

2007 – 2009
Incredimail (NASDAQ: PERI

Position: Project Manager

• Facilitate the definition of projects scope completion of all tasks to ensure consistency with company strategy and commitments to its customers

• Facilitating communications between the project’s technical departments and the customer

• Gathered all requests from product and marketing departments and coordinate between all tasks to one work plan

• Managed the project life cycle using different dedicated tools

2000 - 2006

Position: Program Manager and Business Analyst

• Program manager (2003-2006) – Responsible for overseeing all day-to-day activities of the projects and also for keeping a birds-eye view of the project operations

• Business Analyst (2000- 2003) – Creating a reporting environment for advanced analysis and monitoring of the company performance as well optimization process. Responsible to present key insights to management team.

1999 - 2000

Student position – QA engineer in a startup company.

What do people say about me?

Managers – Full of energy knows how to talk to my employees for each type of his own treat

Employees – Great at multitasking

My secret

Keep my calm especially when others are arguing

Something special I've done

When I was 22, I decided to live in London by myself for a while. I travel for 3 months, rent a small apartment with 6 partners, take English lessons in the mornings, and work part-time after. I had a great and I improve my self-confidence.




2006 – John Bryce – Project Management course

1997 – 2000 the Inter-Disciplinary Center – B.A in Business Administration. Major in Information Systems.

Military Service


Me on T.V



My Publications

| Avneri.Efrat@gmail.com
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